When you get injured in an accident, it’s a good idea to go to a doctor to get checked out as soon as possible. But what about if you get in an accident and you feel just fine? You should still schedule that doctor’s appointment! You could be injured even if you don’t feel hurt. Getting medical attention right away can also be helpful if you plan to pursue compensation with the help of a Nueces County, Texas personal injury lawyer.
Why Should I See a Doctor After an Accident?
There are two good reasons to see a doctor after any kind of accident, whether that be a slip and fall, a car accident, or a workplace injury. The first is that going to a doctor right away allows you to get an accurate diagnosis so that you do not make an injury worse. The second is that this can help strengthen your case if you decide to sue for personal injury later.
It can be tough to diagnose yourself after an accident. Your body is full of adrenaline and you’re stressed out from the situation. If you get to a doctor and get checked out, you can figure out what you should do next.
If you decide to sue for damages, seeing a doctor as soon as possible can strengthen your case. Waiting too long to seek medical attention can give an insurance company an opening to contest your injuries and argue that it’s possible that they were not sustained in the accident you’re suing over.
What Kinds of Injuries Can a Doctor Help Diagnose?
A medical professional can help diagnose all sorts of injuries that you would probably struggle to diagnose on your own. They can find issues like:
- Bone fractures
- Sprains and strains
- Whiplash
- Internal bleeding
- Concussions and other traumatic brain injuries
Should I Sue for Damages or Accept an Insurer’s Offer After an Accident?
When you get injured in an accident and decide to pursue damages, an insurance company may send you an offer. This offer might even look generous. We do not recommend taking it though.
An insurer wants to get out of this situation for as little money as possible. They don’t care if you can actually pay for all of your accident-related expenses with the check they give you. If you accept their offer and later realize that you need more money to make up for medical expenses or lost wages, you cannot sue them for additional compensation. You’re out of luck, so you should think carefully about accepting any offer before talking to an attorney.
Ask About Our Free Case Consultation
When you are ready to pursue compensation, contact Sahadi Legal Group and schedule a free consultation. There’s no obligation, so take the time to learn more about how our lawyers can be of assistance.