When you get hurt in a company vehicle, you may be entitled to compensation. Sometimes you have to ask “What kinds of compensation?” though. Do you go through your employer or sue someone else involved in the accident? A Corpus Christi, Texas work injury lawyer can help you figure out the next steps.
What Happens If I Was in the Company Vehicle for Work Reasons?
Now if you were in the company vehicle for work reasons, you should be covered by your employer’s insurance. So if you get into an accident, you should not have to worry even if you were considered to be at fault. You have to be doing something for work at the time of the crash though. Transporting other employees, driving to a client’s office, or making a delivery could all be valid excuses.
What If I Was Driving the Company Vehicle For My Own Errands?
Unfortunately, you are unlikely to be covered by your employer’s insurance if you were using a company car for your own purposes. You would not be able to apply for workers’ compensation and you would probably have to go through your own insurance coverage to cover any expenses.
What Can Workers’ Compensation Cover?
When you get injured at work, you have to report it right away. Then your employer reports your injury to their workers’ compensation insurance. After an investigation, you can be offered benefits that can help you stay afloat if you need to take some time away from work. Workers’ comp can help with medical expenses and a portion of your wages. It does not compensate you for things like mental anguish, trauma, or pain and suffering like a settlement from a traditional lawsuit can.
Unfortunately, not every employer in Texas carries workers’ compensation insurance. This may complicate matters if you get hurt in a company vehicle.
Can I Sue a Driver Who Caused an Accident?
Whether you apply for workers’ comp or not, you may be able to sue another driver involved in the accident if their negligence contributed to the crash. It can be harder to win compensation in this kind of case though. With a workers’ compensation claim, you essentially just need to show that you got hurt. With a claim against another driver, you have to actually prove negligence.
That can be tough on your own, which is why we recommend hiring an attorney. A personal injury lawyer from our firm can help you with workers’ comp and third-party injury claims. They can also tell you what to do if your employer doesn’t have workers’ comp insurance of their own.
Talk to a Lawyer Today
When you are ready to sue for damages after an accident, contact Sahadi Legal Group. We can schedule a free consultation for you. Learn more about your legal options and what a personal injury lawyer can do to help you fight for the kind of compensation that you deserve.