You should exchange information, including insurance info, with other involved drivers after a car accident. That doesn’t meant that you have to talk to their insurance company though. If you were hurt in the accident and you plan to sue for damages, talking to the other insurer involved is rarely a good idea. A Corpus Christi, Texas car accident lawyer could tell you why.

Am I Required to Speak to the Other Driver’s Insurance Company?

The person who calls from the other driver’s insurance company may make it seem as if you have to talk to them. This is not the case. There is no real obligation on your part to tell them anything, especially if you are planning to sue for damages. In fact, talking to the other insurance company too much can end up hurting your case.

Can the Insurance Company Use What I Say Against Me?

Even if you think that you have given a clear and concise statement to the other insurance company, the person you talk to is still going to do their best to find something that they can use against you. It’s not personal. It’s their job to limit how much the insurer spends on this particular case.

So when you talk to the other insurer, they are basically just waiting for you to slip up. If you say anything that seems like you’re admitting fault or even that you may have slightly contributed to the accident in some way, they are happy to hear it.

What Are Other Potential Pitfalls of Talking to an Insurance Company?

The other insurance company might also try to get you to take a lowball offer. It might seem like you are being offered a lot of money, but if you are pressured into settling before you have a full appraisal of your damages you could regret it later.

Let’s say you take the money, but your injuries are more serious than you thought. You run through that settlement, spending it all on treatments, but you need more to cover your bills. You cannot go back to the insurance company and sue for damages. There was a settlement agreement. They honored it and their responsibility to you is done.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me?

This is why it can be beneficial to have a lawyer handle communications on your behalf. An attorney can make sure that you do not accidentally accept blame or say something that can make it more difficult to sue for damages. They can also help you field settlement offers and stop you from agreeing to any settlement that won’t be adequate.

Schedule a Free Case Consultation

If you have been hurt in an accident, you don’t need to pursue compensation on your own. Contact the Sahadi Legal Group and ask to schedule a free consultation. There is no obligation, so take the time to learn more about your legal options and what a personal injury attorney from our firm can do for you.